My Pledge
2) I pledge to attend every RCC/RTC/Ward Committee meeting I am invited to unless excused by their Chair for legitimate health or scheduling conflict reasons.
3) I pledge to attend every State Committee meeting unless sick or away traveling on a pre scheduled trip.
4) I will observe President Reagan's 80% Rule.
5) I will observe President Reagan's 11th Commandment (Republican Primaries excepted.)
6) I will endeavor to recruit, retain, mentor, endorse, and support all Republicans running for public offices in my State Senate District, and I will not publicly undermine them.
7) I will NEVER cooperate, collaborate, or conspire with Democrat-Socialist Party operatives who I view as enemies of my Massachusetts Republican Party.
8.) Should I move outside of my State Senate District I will immediately notify the Party and resign my seat per the MassGOP Bylaws.
9) Should I move from my District, or resign for other reasons, I will actively recruit my caucus replacement and that person will support America First Agenda policies.
10) I will donate to MassGOP candidates running for office in my area to the limits of my personal financial circumstances and abilities under the legal limits established by State Law.