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My Pledge

1) Fully support President Trump's common sense Conservative America First πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ Agenda πŸ’― %.
2) I pledge to attend every RCC/RTC/Ward Committee meeting I am invited to unless excused by their Chair for legitimate health or scheduling conflict reasons.
3) I pledge to attend every State Committee meeting unless sick or away traveling on a pre scheduled trip.
4) I will observe President Reagan's 80% Rule.
5) I will observe President Reagan's 11th Commandment (Republican Primaries excepted.)
6) I will endeavor to recruit, retain, mentor, endorse, and support all Republicans running for public offices in my State Senate District, and I will not publicly undermine them.
7) I will NEVER cooperate, collaborate, or conspire with Democrat-Socialist Party operatives who I view as enemies of my Massachusetts Republican Party.
8.) Should I move outside of my State Senate District I will immediately notify the Party and resign my seat per the MassGOP Bylaws.
9) Should I move from my District, or resign for other reasons, I will actively recruit my caucus replacement and that person will support America First πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ Agenda policies.
10) I will donate to MassGOP candidates running for office in my area to the limits of my personal financial circumstances and abilities under the legal limits established by State Law.

Committee to Elect Christopher Ryan
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