Join us Saturday 12/23 Noon-3pm at the Northampton Calvin Coolidge Bridge at the intersection of Rte 9 and Damon Rd for a Trump 2024 Campaign Standout.
Thanks to President Trump the common greeting, "Merry Christmas" has become acceptable again. President Trump literally won the war against Christmas Even the failing woke big box stores are saying it again. The ones that haven't gone bankrupt at least. Take a short break from your manic last minute shopping for made in Chy-Nah garbage to thank our Real President for saving Christmas. President Trump needs your help to secure % of the Massachusetts RNC Convention Delegates on Super Tuesday March 5th, 2024. With your help our Real President only needs 50%+1 of the Primary vote to win outright and deny any Delegates to the other surviving Republican Candidates on the ballot. Let's Make Christmas Great Again. MAGA/KAG!
Rain/snow date is Sunday 12/24 Noon-3pm.